Monday, April 5, 2010

A Distant Star

I've been mulling over an idea for a feature film.

It is a sci-fi movie about a future where humanity has achieved total peace and what could be described as a perfect existence.  Centuries before, researchers discovered a source of limitless, and therefore entirely free, energy.  Having access to limitless energy allowed us to solve pretty much every problem we have, since most conflicts come out of an inequality of resources.  With access to limitless energy, we can have unlimited resources, and that would mean the abolition of money and the concept of wealth, since everyone could have whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

Anyways, the story sets up this scenario, but then throws in a wrench by revealing that this perfect society has been built upon a very dark and disturbing lie.  Our main character discovers this lie, and then is faced with making a choice.  Do you allow the lie to continue so that everyone can continue living their perfect lives, or do you expose the lie, and correct it, with the potential consequence being the complete destruction of your civilization?

It's an interesting conflict, I think.  Our main character will be forced to make a decision that some would say she has no right to make.  Is it okay to do something that you feel, deep down, is absolutely the right thing to do, even if it means it will affect a lot of people in a negative manner?

Is it okay to declare a war against an evil enemy, even if it means that innocents will die?

These are tough questions, and ones that I think we honestly face in this world.

Is peace really worth it if it means sacrificing your morals and principals?

A peace founded on a lie, and cheaply earned, cannot last.  There are some things that are worth fighting and dying for.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've already decided to side with your main character. Aren't you going to give at least a little side to the "greater good" argument? Like you'll cast whoever's arguing for that path with someone really good-looking right? :p
